This RC mixer from RobotLogic is specifically designed to allow driving a tank steering robot with a single control stick. An invert feature controlled by an RC channel allows driving the robot inverted. Even non-invertable robots can benefit from the invert feature because inverted controls will allow the robot to be easily driven backwards, leading with the rear.
Selectable pass-through mode allows using a tank mixer built in to a speed controller, such an a Vantec, but still retaining the invert feature.
IMX-1 features include:
* Use a third RC channel to invert your forward-backward Y channel
* Failsafe on signal loss
* Tank mixing algorithm designed to give improved robot control over standard Elevon mixing
* Selectable tank mixing or pass-through behavior
* No need for line boosters when used with IFI speed controllers
* An LED provides feedback for proper operation
* Length: 1.9" Width: 1.25" Height: slightly taller than a servo connector
* Remote LED option allows you to mount the LED to the outside of your bot.
Data Sheet
Pinout Diagram